
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Last Blog of 2019

Hello, and welcome back to my blog.

This will be my final blog of the Spring 2019 semester. Barring the blissful repeat strike of a meteor in the Yucatán, and absent a global pandemic which will bring on the zombie apocalypse and wipe clean the slate of humankind, I shall be graduating from ASU in a few short weeks.

I wish I could say that I was feeling nostalgic or wistful and any of a myriad of other adjectives about that, but TBH, I feel FREE.

FREE to write beautiful things because I want to, not because I am on a deadline to complete an assignment. FREE to explore books simply for the beauty of their words and ideas, instead of as a precursor to receiving an academic credit. FREE to sleep more than 5 hours a night, which really is often more like two hours a night because of homework and working two or three jobs. FREE to stop working said multiple jobs to make ends meet. FREE to smile more because I am not always worried about how I am going to succeed at all of the things I always have going on at any given moment.

In short, I can't wait. To graduate. To slow down, a little.

Don't get me wrong- I am grateful for the love and support I have received on the way here. There were many times when that love was the only thing which fed the fire inside me and kept me going. I do appreciate all that was given to me by my friends, my family, and academia.

But, for now, my bones are tired. I need to rest for a while. And rest I shall, in a few short weeks.

In the meantime, I was assigned this final blog on the topic of using the "SMART" plan of setting goals for oneself. You know the old trope:

I hit myself in the head with this for awhile, trying to figure out what personal or professional goal I should apply this to for the purpose of this assignment. I am already an efficient over-achiever, so pickings for improvement are currently slim-to-none.

Finally, I decided that I shall plan out my rest.

To be Specific: I am going to reward myself with a month-long rest shortly after graduation. During that rest, I am going to read books, watch sci-fi and zombie apocalypse movies daily, and write hatemail to Netflix for canceling "One Day at a Time".
To be Measureable: I am going to work only one job for the month of June. I will only work that job Monday through Friday. I am also going to sleep a minimum of 6 hours per night. I will read a book or watch a movie for 2 hours minimum per weekday, more on weekends. I may also decide to skip my normal methods of adornment on weekends, and instead shall possibly lay around in an astonishing state of undress as I recuperate. This will save me 15 minutes per day that I can better allocate to my REST.
To be Achievable: Without school and a second job getting in the way, it is easily done.
To be Realistic: I say it is, so it is.
To be Timely: It couldn't come at a better or more needed time.

That's it for this blog. Thank you kindly for stopping by.

And, as always- Live Long, and Prosper.


  1. Congratulations on your graduation. I hope you have a very restful time between finishing school and wherever the wind my blow you next. I am sure tucked in-between that excitement is a sense of accomplishment we all look forward too. I am sure your next steps will prove as successful as your previous steps. Good work and enjoy your books/sci-fi. YOU earned it!

  2. This might be one of my favorite blogs ever. I'll have to live vicariously through you. I have currently been on the first few chapters of a book that I was super excited to find for over a month. I definitely feel more educated since starting school and far, far less informed. Sometimes I feel like nothing exists outside school, research, and family. I'd be lying if I said that sometimes I'm not really happy to just geek out on research though. I can't wait to do a summer internship and get to really focus on the research. I hope you'll pop back in briefly to let us know your next steps for career/education. I always get stuck when I start to think about my future past the point that you are at.
